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Nurse: Destiny Hawkins 

Phone: 210-357-0801 Ext. 21016

Nurse Hawkins

Hi, my name is Destiny Hawkins, and I am happy to be your child’s school nurse.

I worked as a Surgical Technologist for 6 years before becoming a Registered Nurse in 2018.  I've worked on a Cardiac unit, med/surg unit and in mental/behavioral health before starting as a school nurse in 2020.

Throughout this school year all students that are in the seventh grade will have vision and hearing done as well as the girls in seventh grade will have scoliosis testing and the boys in the eighth grade will be screened for scoliosis. Any new students to our district in all sixth and eighth grade will also be screened.

The entire staff at Judson Middle school/JSTEM works together to help your students stay in class so they can reach their greatest potential while here with us.

Please feel free to email me or call the clinic staff with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Helen Miller is the health aide here at Judson MS/JSTEM and can assist you with any of your concerns.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your children’s lives while here at Judson MS/STEM.


The school nurse administers first aid only. They do not diagnose illnesses but take note of symptoms and notify the parent/guardian of their observation.  According to the National Association of School Nurses, the school nurse facilitates positive student responses to normal development; promotes health and safety; intervenes with actual and potential health problems; provides case management; and actively collaborates with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning. (NASN, 2011)

Clinic policy can be found in the student handbook.

·         Students with 100 degree or more temperature is considered fever and will be sent home.            The student should remain at home until they are fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medication.

·         Vomiting or diarrhea.  Student must be symptoms free for 24 hrs. without medication before re-entry

Communicable Disease Students with a communicable disease must have a doctor’s note to return to school.

·         Original copy of immunizations with month, date, year, and validation must be presented at registration. If student does not have record or up to date immunization, they will not be able to continue or register for school.  If student gets new immunizations, the new record must be presented to the clinic.


Temporary Disabilities

·         Any student who needs assistance with getting around the campus must bring a note from the physician stating the limitations and modifications (i.e., elevator use) needed and for how long. Five-minute passes may be issued to assist with students in crowded hallways. 



All medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be furnished by the parent/guardian and appropriate medication forms. (Located on Health Services website). If you need assistance or have questions, contact the campus nurse. Medications will be brought to the clinic by the parent/guardian in the original and properly labeled container and must be picked up by the parent/guardian or designate. The nurse and/or health aide will administer all medications in the clinic except for students that are required by their physician to carry inhalers, EpiPens and any diabetic supplies with them always. In those situations, the doctor must provide written orders to the school stating this. No Verbal orders from a parent will be accepted. A form must be filled out and sent to the nurse. 

1. Parents are encouraged to schedule the administration of a student's medication in such a manner that medication required at school is kept at a minimum.

2. Long-term medication may be given only if a Medication form is completed by the attending physician and the medication is brought in the properly labeled container. Forms can be found on the Health Services website.

·         If a student must take medication during school hours, the student's parents must provide the medication. All medication, whether prescription or nonprescription, must be kept in the nurse's office and administered by the nurse or another authorized district employee. A student may be authorized to have their own medication because of asthma, or a severe allergy as described in the student handbook. A form for self-carry must be completed and is on the Health Service website.

·         Please inform the clinic of any health problems/concerns so appropriate forms can be completed. 

·         School personnel will provide first aid for injuries/illness that occurs at school only. Injuries from home should be taken care of at home.

·         It is the parent’s responsibility to provide school with CURRENT phone numbers and emergency contact information.  If a parent cannot be reached for seriously ill or injured child, the child will be transported by EMS and JISD does NOT assume any financial responsibility.

·         Dietary modifications require a special dietary from that must be filled out and signed by physician.  Dietary substitutions for preference, etc. are the responsibility of parent/guardian.


If you have any questions, please contact the campus nurse.

Sincerely, Health Services